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Arseny Sergeev
Arseny Sergeev

EstiNet Network Simulator

Ease of use: NXJ is written in the native NX language. It does not depend on any specific platform, but it has excellent performance and high efficiency. NXJ is popular and widely used within the network simulation community. The simulator of NXJ can be easily installed and is free to download, meaning that it is a total open-source project.

EstiNet Network Simulator


Mult-platform: The NXJ simulator can be installed on different operating systems including Windows (95, 2000, XP), Linux, and Mac OS. It is a cross-platform simulator. This simulator can work on almost any platform, so if you are working on simulation across the networks, you should check if it is compatible with your platform.

EstiNet was designed to provide a flexible, high-performance, and easy-to-deploy virtual environments as well as a convenient and user-friendly way to configure, analyze, and deploy simulation environments.

Simulation environment: EstiNet is a high-performance, high-reliability, complex and rigorous framework for simulating scenarios based on the OU (Open Unsorted) approach to abstracting network abstraction layers. Coupled with NXJ, EstiNet is capable of simulating VANETs, transport networks, and wireless networks. Other important issues in the user interfaces can be handled by the simulation code automatically. EstiNet can simulates a single network or multiple networks coupled together as a mesh.

EstiNet's user interfaces are designed to be written in a natural, domain-specific language. They use a simple and easy-to-understand syntax to describe the settings and configurations of the simulation job. These descriptions are generated by the GUI and stored in a suite of files. Normally the GUI will automatically transfer these files to the simulation engine for execution. However, if a researcher wants to try his(her) novel device or network configurations that the current GUI does not support, he (she) can totally bypass the GUI and generate the suite of description files by himself (herself). The non-GUI-generated suite of files can then be manually fed to the simulation engine for execution.


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